Monday, 28 March 2011

Mt. Nyriangongo, DRC

Article from National Geographic - included images and interactive graphic.

Studland Beach sand dune management notes

Problems and solutions at Studland Beach Problems:

  • Dune erosion caused by walkers - threatens plants and animals

  • Traffic congestion in the car parks leads to parking on the dunes and damage
  • Visitors leave over 12 tonnes of litter per week. Unless it is put in the bins provided, it is dangerous to small birds and animals
  • At least once a year, heath fires destroy plants and animals. The most common cause is a discarded cigarette end. Lizards and snakes can escape by burrowing, but may not escape predators once the vegetation cover has gone

The National Trust has:

  • Enlarged the four main car parks to increase capacity by 800

  • Built a visitor centre with shop, café and information point

  • Closed some paths and fenced off parts of the sand dunes

  • Planted marram grass

  • Placed litter bins on paths and at the back of the beach

  • Placed fire beaters and water hydrants on the heather and gorse heath, and made fire breaks

  • Erected information boards and provided leaflets to educate people about the area

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Surviving the Japanese tsunami

Dramatic amateur footage (about 6 mins), catching the very start of the tsunami as it flowed into and through the city of Kesennuma in Miyagi prefecture, north-east Japan. It starts as a trickle, then slowly builds up, forcing the intrepid cameraman to retreat higher and higher...

Click here.

Fair Trade

Guardian report

Development in the EU

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Environmental impacts of globalisation

Use these links to complete your notes on some of the solutions to the environmental impacts of globalisation

Monday, 21 March 2011

What is your carbon footprint?

  • Calculate your carbon footprint using the ‘Act on CO2’ web site

Fair Trade

Who are Fair Trade?

Choose an exaple of a producer from this page.

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

London Plan

Use this introduction to the London Plan to complete the sheet detailing the six objectives of the plan.

The full London Plan website is here.

Monday, 14 March 2011

Event profile of hazards

Tectonic hazards can be described in terms of their frequency, magnitude, duration and areal extent. Use the following links to complete the worksheet:

Earthquake scales

Volcanic explosivity index

Frequency and magnitude

Saturday, 12 March 2011

An animated explanation of climate change

Click here for a useful summary of the climate change due to human factors. It is shown as an animation of climate change through the ages, with a commentary (so you'll need speakers or headphones!).

Japanese earthquake and tsunami

Map of earthquakes in this region

BBC latest

iPlayer Friday night BBC news

Guardian map

Monday, 7 March 2011

Small scale development projects

Using the handout and the web link create a case study sheet on how the Grameen Bank works and how it allows people to improve the quality of their own lives. Describe the project and explain how people benefit from it.

Explain the term 'micro-credit'

Holderness coast

Use this site to begin your research. Answer the following questions:

  • Copy a map showing the location of the Holderness coast. Label it.

  • How fast is the coastline eroding?

  • Describe the geology of the area

  • Click on the link about Hornsea

  • Describe the Location, Geology, Coastal Features and Coastal Management at Hornsea

  • Copy three of the pictures from the bottom of the page and add a note describing what they show.

  • Complete the same exercise for Mappleton.

Copy the map from this page and add your own labels describing some of the issues on this stretch of coast.

Thursday, 3 March 2011

Development indicators

A video showing the development of 200 countries using the software Gapminder

Another showing how statistics can be used to disprove myths about the 'third world' and one showing population growth using IKEA boxes!

Use Gapminder to illustrate some of the development indicators you researched in your Prep. Use the countries you selected to illustrate the changes. Copy the graphs into a MS Word document and describe what they show.

Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Illegal migrants

Thousands of Africans try to make the journey to Europe each year. The BBC News website gives information about the routes they travel, the cause of this movement and some of its impacts as well as personal stories.
There are a series of excellent Panorama films here.