Securing Western Europe's energy future
Worksheet 5 - Opinions
The following sites show the context for the 'views' on the final page of the pre-release
Greenpeace UK, 2011
IAEA bulletin 2008
Independent article 2011
Friends of the Earth, 2007
Natural Gas for Europe website
Nuclear Industry Association
Monday, 10 December 2012
Friday, 7 December 2012
'Costs' of nuclear power
Securing Western Europe's energy future
Worksheet 2 - 'Costs' of nuclear power
Use these links to help with worksheet 2
Nuclear radiation accidents
Windscale fire
Three Mile Island incident
Saint-Laurent plant incident
Bohunice plant incident
Tokaimura incident
Chernobyl incident
Fukushima incident
Uranium reserves
Nuclear fuel cycle
Uranium mining
Uranium mining debate
How to build a nuclear reactor - video
UK nuclear position
Uranium mining companies
Rio Tinto
Uranium One
Worksheet 2 - 'Costs' of nuclear power
Use these links to help with worksheet 2
Nuclear radiation accidents
Windscale fire
Three Mile Island incident
Saint-Laurent plant incident
Bohunice plant incident
Tokaimura incident
Chernobyl incident
Fukushima incident
Uranium reserves
Nuclear fuel cycle
Uranium mining
Uranium mining debate
How to build a nuclear reactor - video
UK nuclear position
Uranium mining companies
Rio Tinto
Uranium One
Thursday, 6 December 2012
Unit 3 pre-release analysis January 2013
Securing Western Europe's energy future
Worksheet 1 - current nuclear position
A superb site from the World Nuclear Association covering many relevant topics
There are a number of excellent wikipedia articles on the topic of nuclear power
Nuclear power debate
Nuclear energy policy
Nuclear energy policy by country
Nuclear power in France
Nuclear power in Germany
BBC - Germany nuclear position
Nuclear power in Switzerland
Nuclear power in Spain
Nuclear power in UK
Nuclear power in Belgium
Nuclear decommissioning
BBC nuclear debate - a little out of date?
Update on UK situation - 4/12/12
Nuclear accidents by country
Worksheet 1 - current nuclear position
A superb site from the World Nuclear Association covering many relevant topics
There are a number of excellent wikipedia articles on the topic of nuclear power
Nuclear power debate
Nuclear energy policy
Nuclear energy policy by country
Nuclear power in France
Nuclear power in Germany
BBC - Germany nuclear position
Nuclear power in Switzerland
Nuclear power in Spain
Nuclear power in UK
Nuclear power in Belgium
Nuclear decommissioning
BBC nuclear debate - a little out of date?
Update on UK situation - 4/12/12
Nuclear accidents by country
Wednesday, 5 December 2012
Wide World online exercises
IV Form hurricanes exercise
Hurricane tracker
Fox News - Saffir-Simpson scale
Hurricanes - FEMA
IV Form flooding exercise
Environment Agency flooding exercise
Hurricane tracker
Fox News - Saffir-Simpson scale
Hurricanes - FEMA
IV Form flooding exercise
Environment Agency flooding exercise
Friday, 30 November 2012
Water conservation
Water conservation involves reducing the demand for water, rather than trying to increase water supplies. This is important in a world where water supply is finite. Water conservation can be on three main levels; domestic, agricultural, industrial.
Note some of the water saving tips here. Use the headings 'In the home', 'In the garden' and 'Water harvesting'
Use the wikipedia entry to note some tactics for saving water in an agricultural context.
Coca-Cola have a number of examples of water conservation on a commercial level. Read their policy and note some examples of the things they have done.
Coca-Cola Sustainability Reports - Water Stewardship
Coca-Cola Sustainability Reports - Water Stewardship
Monday, 19 November 2012
Water transfers
One solution to water shortages is to transfer water form one basin to another. Rivers can be diverted or canals built. All water transfers carry political and environmental risk
Two contrasting examples:
1. The Snowy Mountains Scheme (p52-53)
Also see the Snowy River wikipedia entry
2. The South-North Transfer project (p63)
Good video story
Detail from water-technology.netWednesday, 14 November 2012
Middle East water conflict
Middle East tension over water - video
Inside story - Middle East water shortage
BBC news - global water shortage
Water wars - Spain BBC
Inside story - Middle East water shortage
BBC news - global water shortage
Water wars - Spain BBC
Sunday, 4 November 2012
Water issues in China
China is suffering from many environmental problems - including water stress. Use this map to complete the sheet detailing some of these issues.
Use this to help you with this task:
Create a detailed MS PowerPoint presentation on the factors which have created water stress in China
Check your text book p39-40
The China Water Risk website is very good. This info-graphic is superb.
Check this article for some excellent information.
Montserrat volcano
Using Google Earth, locate the island of Montserrat. Label the island on Google Earth using the techniques learned last time.
Screen shot your image and paste it into a MS Word document and add the following information:
Go to the Montserrat volcano monitoring web site.
Screen shot your image and paste it into a MS Word document and add the following information:
Go to the Montserrat volcano monitoring web site.
What is the current hazard level? what does this mean?
Read the latest volcano report. What was happening last week?
Go to 'Resources' and use the Glossary to look up the following terms:
Igneous rock
Pyroclastic flow
Video clip - Discovery Channel
Video clip - 57min - overview - Seconds from disaster: Montserrat
Video clip - Discovery Channel
Video clip - 57min - overview - Seconds from disaster: Montserrat
Wednesday, 24 October 2012
Carbon trading
Climate Change,
Energy Security,
Unit 1,
Unit 3,
World at Risk
Monday, 8 October 2012
Sunday, 30 September 2012
BBC - What is fracking?
Newsnight - is fracking safe?
Great shale gas rush - National Geographic
National Geographic interactive
Science of shale gas
China shale gas
US shale gas
Create a report on fracking and the shale gas and oil industry
Include the following:
- What is fracking - how is the oil / gas extracted?
- Where are the largest fracking sites?
- Why is it controversial? Give examples of specific issues - environmental and social
- Does fracking and shale oil / gas represent a viable alternative for the future?
Friday, 28 September 2012
Deep water offshore drilling
Wikipedia entry
Create a case study on deep-water drilling and the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in particular.
Include the following information:
- What is deep-water drilling? Give examples of the technological challenges involved
- Give examples of where it is happening at the moment
- Describe the events of the Deepwater Horizon spill
- Desribe the impacts of the spill. Environmental, economic, social etc.
Wednesday, 26 September 2012
Oil sands
To the last drop - video
To the last drop - part II - video
Guardian video
Guardian 'dirty oil' article
How to get oil from oil sands - photos
Guardian graphic
New oil shale plant in Jordan
Shale gas in UK
To the last drop - part II - video
Guardian video
Guardian 'dirty oil' article
How to get oil from oil sands - photos
Guardian graphic
New oil shale plant in Jordan
Shale gas in UK
GCSE controlled assessment (CAT)
Some useful mapping web-sites:
10 ways to Google-up your coursework - some excellent ideas using Google Earth and mapping
A great site to compare OS map data and Google Earth
Add data to Google Earth with this site
OS Open-Data site - free mapping
10 ways to Google-up your coursework - some excellent ideas using Google Earth and mapping
A great site to compare OS map data and Google Earth
Add data to Google Earth with this site
OS Open-Data site - free mapping
Thursday, 20 September 2012
Energy pathways
Gas pathways into the EU are vital for energy security. Problems in Russia and the former Soviet states threaten this supply.
Russia-Ukraine gas dispute report 1 and 2
Nabucco pipeline
South Stream pipeline
Nord Stream pipeline
Russia - Ukraine gas disputes
Russia Today report - Nabucco
Videographic from The Economist
Russia-Ukraine gas dispute report 1 and 2
Sunday, 16 September 2012
Web Research Exercise: Earthquakes
Use the links below to help answer the questions on the sheet:
Latest earthquake map
Europe earthquake map
Earthquakes with 50 000 or more deaths
Largest earthquakes by magnitude
UK earthquakes
Measuring earthquakes
Tuesday, 11 September 2012
Monday, 10 September 2012
UK energy security
BBC Panorama programme
The Energy Security report by Malcolm Wicks MP (just read the Executive Summary)
The Governement response
This entry on the 'Oil Drum' blog
Government energy security research paper (just read the Summary)
Guardian article - there are many more similar
Latest update of the ESI from June 2011
Statutory Security of Supply Report - DECC
IPPR report - Energy Security in the UK
Statutory Security of Supply Report - DECC
IPPR report - Energy Security in the UK
Thursday, 6 September 2012
Tuesday, 4 September 2012
Fold mountains
Use these links to help you research into the importance of fold mountains and the Andes case study.
Detail about ocean trenches
Sunday, 2 September 2012
Primary energy source task
A good summary of all the Primary Energy Sources
Wikipedia entry for renewable energy
Wikipedia entry for fossil fuels
Wind power in the 'How Stuff Works' website. Other energy sources also on the site
An interesting article - follow links to others on the BBC site
BBC Energy in the UK mini-site - links to lots of relevant stories (some slightly dated)
Energy on BBC Bitesize
Thursday, 21 June 2012
IV Form ecotourism
Use the sheets on ecotourism in Rwanda and the links below to create a short project on the tourism industry in Rwanda - particularly the gorilla visits. Include:
International gorilla conservation
Rwanda tourist board
Tourism in Rwanda - Wikipedia
- What is ecotourism?
- A map of Rwanda showing the major features and where the gorillas are
- Background on Rwanda, including some of the issues they have faced in the past
- The development of ecotourism in Rwanda
- The advantages of ecotourism
- Problems facing tourism
- What does the future hold?
International gorilla conservation
Rwanda tourist board
Tourism in Rwanda - Wikipedia
Sunday, 17 June 2012
LVI A2 Energy task
A good summary of all the Primary Energy Sources
Wikipedia entry for fossil fuels
Wind power in the 'How Stuff Works' website. Other energy sources also on the site
Wind power in the 'How Stuff Works' website. Other energy sources also on the site
BBC Energy in the UK mini-site - links to lots of relevant stories
Energy on BBC Bitesize
Monday, 21 May 2012
Saturday, 19 May 2012
Thursday, 17 May 2012
Bangladesh flooding 2004
Presentation showing causes of the flooding and the responses
National Geographic article and maps
ITN report 1998
National Geographic article and maps
ITN report 1998
Tuesday, 15 May 2012
Factors influencing the effectiveness of response
Use these links to as new sources for references for your report. Use the table provided to note the information
Chile - Haiti comparison
Earthquake prediction
Effectiveness of military response
Chile - Haiti comparison
Earthquake prediction
Effectiveness of military response
Monday, 14 May 2012
Improving life for the urban poor
The authorities are trying to improve life for the urban poor in Africa. Research, using the links and headings below, how the Kenyan government are trying to improve life for the people who live in Kibera.
Write a report on the issue using the following headings and links:
Use the Wikipedia page to find 10 key facts about Kibera slum
Use the Wikipedia page to find 10 key facts about Kibera slum
- Look under the heading 'Slum Upgrading'. Describe the 3 reasons why upgrading Kibera slum is difficult
- Look under the heading 'Clearance'. Describe the Kenyan government's clearance strategy
- Note some details about the clearance scheme - how will it work?
- Describe how some people are very pleased with the scheme
- Why are others not so happy?
- Describe some of theproblems associated with water - contamination and cost
- Describe what Kenya Water for Health have been doing to address these problems
Friday, 11 May 2012
Ageing population revision
BBC Interactive pie-chart for ageing population
BBC - An ageing future
60-second overview of the ageing population issue
BBC - An ageing future
60-second overview of the ageing population issue
Wednesday, 2 May 2012
Use the link below to create a MS PowerPoint presentation on the work of WaterAid. Use the headings below to structure your presentation. Read the advice at the bottom carefully.
Summary of WaterAid
• Who are WaterAid? (try a Wikipedia search too)
• How do they pay for the aid schemes?
• What is their ‘mission’?
Choose a specific project country
• A profile of the country and specific area / areas (if relevant)
• What are the problems with water supply in your chosen country?
• What schemes have WaterAid provided?
• How has it helped?
Avoid the cut and pasting of information – this is plagiarism.
Do not produce slides is different colours. Have a consistent format
Avoid producing crowded pages full of text.
Hand in Mon 7/5/12
Summary of WaterAid
• Who are WaterAid? (try a Wikipedia search too)
• How do they pay for the aid schemes?
• What is their ‘mission’?
Choose a specific project country
• A profile of the country and specific area / areas (if relevant)
• What are the problems with water supply in your chosen country?
• What schemes have WaterAid provided?
• How has it helped?
Avoid the cut and pasting of information – this is plagiarism.
Do not produce slides is different colours. Have a consistent format
Avoid producing crowded pages full of text.
Hand in Mon 7/5/12
Sunday, 29 April 2012
Friday, 20 April 2012
Links to help with the Blackpool case study of a UK coastal resort.
Blackpool wikipedia
BBC news
BBC news
Blackpool Bay Area Company
ReBlackpool is now no longer...
Blackpool wikipedia
BBC news
BBC news
Blackpool Bay Area Company
ReBlackpool is now no longer...
Monday, 19 March 2012
Mark on the map - including sizes:
The 5 largest cities (by population)
The 5 largest countries (by population)
The 5 longest rivers
The 5 highest mountains
The 5 largest lakes
Also, mark the 5 countries with the highest AIDS infection %
How many of the largest companies in the world are Africa?
The 5 largest cities (by population)
The 5 largest countries (by population)
The 5 longest rivers
The 5 highest mountains
The 5 largest lakes
Also, mark the 5 countries with the highest AIDS infection %
How many of the largest companies in the world are Africa?
Tuesday, 13 March 2012
Monday, 12 March 2012
Holderness coastal erosion
Use the following links to help create your case study sheet on coastal erosion at Holderness on the east coast of Britain.
Spurn Point
Old maps
Spurn Point
Old maps
Sunday, 11 March 2012
Solutions to the environmental impacts of globalisation

–Carbon offsetting
–Green taxes
–Cutting food miles
–Recycling / reusing / refusing
–Organic food
Wednesday, 7 March 2012
Event profiles of hazards
Sunday, 4 March 2012
TNC - Tesco
Create a case study sheet on Tesco using the folowing headings:
Brief history of the company
Reasons for growth - what strategy hvae they used to enable their growth?
Statistics about their success
Criticisms - are Tesco guilty of exploitation?
Any other information about the growth of Tesco as a TNC
Then answer this question:
Discuss Tesco's role in development and globalisation around the world (15)
Use some of these sources (and find your own):
Textbook p105-106
Article from The Times May 2011
Tesco - global business
Tesco - corporate responsibility
Tesco - how it came to dominate
BBC - growth of Tesco
BBC - growth in Asia
BBC - Is Tesco on the turn?
Brief history of the company
Reasons for growth - what strategy hvae they used to enable their growth?
Statistics about their success
Criticisms - are Tesco guilty of exploitation?
Any other information about the growth of Tesco as a TNC
Then answer this question:
Discuss Tesco's role in development and globalisation around the world (15)
Use some of these sources (and find your own):
Textbook p105-106
Article from The Times May 2011
Tesco - global business
Tesco - corporate responsibility
Tesco - how it came to dominate
BBC - growth of Tesco
BBC - growth in Asia
BBC - Is Tesco on the turn?
Thursday, 1 March 2012
Compare this list of countries GDP and the revenue of the largest companies in the world. Illustrate this information on a diagram.
Create a table of the top 10 largest companies in the world with the headings:
Rank, Name, Industry, Revenue and Country of headquarters
Tuesday, 28 February 2012
GM crops
Research GM crops using this link. Answer the questions as listed on the web site:
- What are GM foods?
- Are they dangerous?
- Give an example of how food can be changed
- Are there any benefits of GM foods?
- Are GM foods allowed in the UK?
Monday, 27 February 2012
L'Aquila earthquake 2009
Click on the following links from the BBC reporting of the earthquake and write some notes on the following:
Link 2
Link 3
Link 4
Link 5
Interactive map
- Site and and characteristics of L'Aquila
- The impacts of the earthquake on the city and the people living there
- The rescue efforts
- The aftershocks
- Building construction
Link 2
Link 3
Link 4
Link 5
Interactive map
Thursday, 23 February 2012
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