Saturday, 22 November 2008

Biome case studies

Unit 4 requires one forest case study and one grassland case study. We are going to use Tropical Rainforest and Temperate Grasslands (steppes).

Complete the notes sheets on each biome using the resources I have already given you and the following links which may be useful:

Tropical Rainforest
A nice site with video
Blue Planet biomes
Radford University
Rainforest Action Network

Temperate Grasslands
A nice site with video
Blue Planet biomes
Radford University
University of California

Wednesday, 19 November 2008

Coping with climate change

How can we make a difference to climate change? What are some of the major TNCs in the world doing about the issue?

“Think global, act local”- what do you think this statement means?

Take 10 minutes to work out your own ecological footprint - make a note of your own personal action plan points

Go to the following website and see how other organisations are trying to reduce emissions in the UK. Include these on your worksheet

Have a look at some of the following TNCs and note down some of the measures they are taking to tackle GW

Monday, 3 November 2008

Impacts of global warming on the Arctic

There is a large amount of information on the internet which can help you with this compulsary case study. The Natural Resources Defence Council answers some key questions, as does the Pew Centre on Global Climate Change. More information is given by the Centre for International Environment Law. A search in some of the newspaper sites can be productive. For example, the Guardian which has articles such as this and this. Finally, the BBC is always a good source of information. There are a number of good articles - for example: here and here.