Wednesday 18 May 2022

‘Carbon bombs’ st to blow up the world’s climate pledges

Guardian in focus podcast investigation has revealed 195 oil and gas projects known as carbon bombs that could trigger catastrophic climate breakdown.

Wednesday 6 April 2022

The problems with recycling

This is a good video which looks at the issues of recycling. Good for a question when you are asked to assess the responses to globalisation or mass consumption. A follow on Guardian video on the issue of incineration. 

Tuesday 8 March 2022

How reliant is the world on Russian Oil and gas?

An important aspect of carbon is looking at energy pathways and the energy mix of a country. This article looks at the impact of stopping the flow of Russian oil and gas.

Sunday 6 February 2022

Regeneration which didn't involve shiny new buildings

 This article looks at the regeneration scheme in West Newcastle which focused on a bottom up approach.


Monday 17 January 2022

Uk's renewable power plant

 An interesting article about the UK's renewable power plant