Monday, 30 January 2012
Tuesday, 24 January 2012
Coastal erosion landforms

Study the diagram of arch and stack formation on p151. Find a photgraph of these formations on the internet and copy the the photograph onto a MS Word document. Use the 'Insert - Shape - Callout' function to label the photograph describing and explaining how it is formed.
Print off your labelled picture and draw a diagram of the landforms underneath.
Monday, 23 January 2012
Unit 3 Section B - worksheet 4 - Ecological footprint senarios

Use these links to help you with worksheet 4 on the Ecological footprint and three sustainable technologies
Whole articles from 'views':
View 1 - subscription only...
Thursday, 19 January 2012
Scandinavia - Kyoto Protocol

Have a look at these two graphs. Plenty to discuss here.
Norway was one of a number of countries who were allowed to increase their emissions as part of the Kyoto Protocol (the others included Sweden, Iceland and Australia). Although this decision was largely political (as they were dragging their feet over signing), Norway also made the point that as they already produce 42% of their energy from HEP they would find it very hard to cut emissions further - particularly as they were planning three new gas-fired power stations over the next few years. Detail about why their emissions have continued to rise can be found here.
Sweden was also allowed to increase emissions by 4%. This was due to their plans to decomission their nuclear reactors and hence would be relying more heavily on fossil-fuels. However, their overall emissions have fallen dramatically due to huge reduction in coal and oil use and an increase in biomass / biogas (Figure 13). There is plans for a huge incresase in wind power.
Wednesday, 18 January 2012
Africa to EU migration

Tuesday, 17 January 2012
IV Form renewable energy task

An excellent site which explains clearly each type of source
Wikipedia entry for renewable energy
Wind power in the 'How Stuff Works' website. Other energy sources also on the site
Wind power in the 'How Stuff Works' website. Other energy sources also on the site
BBC Energy in the UK mini-site - links to lots of relevant stories
Energy on BBC Bitesize
Monday, 16 January 2012
Unit 3 Section B - worksheet 3
Friday, 13 January 2012
Unit 3 Section B - worksheet 2 links
Thursday, 12 January 2012
Curitiba - sustainable transport system
Tuesday, 10 January 2012
Unit 3 Section B preparation - the character of Scandinavia
Monday, 9 January 2012
BedZed - eco village

Watch these two video clips about BedZed, an eco-village in south London.
Wikipedia entry for further research
How can urban living be sustainable?
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