Monday, 30 September 2013

Oil and gas players

Oil and gas players investigation
Investigate the following players and their influence on the oil and gas energy security situation. These all have a major influence on the future of oil. Problems arise when key players conflict with each other.
  • OPEC
  • Governments in an oil producing non-OPEC country e.g. Nigeria
  • TNCs - Shell
  • TNCs - Gazprom
  • NGOs - WWF (World Wildlife Fund)
  • NGOs - Greenpeace 
Create a one-page case study sheet on your allocated player. Information may include:
• Background to the player – fact file
• Key recent incidents involving the player – agreements and conflict
• Positive influence on energy security
• Negative influence on energy security
• Environmental controversies
• Any other relevant information

Some links to help:
OPEC - Wikipedia
Nigeria - oil
Nigeria - BBC
Shell - guardian article
Shell - BBC article
Shell - Wikipedia
Gazprom - Wikipedia
WWF - oil and gas
Greenpeace - oil
See also moodle for some scans 

China - One Child Policy

Journeyman documentary

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Keystone XL pipeline - pathway

A controversial pipeline is proposed from Canada to Texas. Using these articles, write some notes to use it as an example of the issues associated with energy pathways.


A documentary from Al Jazzera

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Hazard hotspots

You need to know about both the Philippines and California as examples of multiple hazard hotspots. Use the template provided to create case study sheets for these two areas.

There is a lot of information on the web to help you. A sample to start with is here:

Detail from the recent typhoon in the Philippines
Disaster information from the Philippines
An excellent map of the Philippines
Specifics on the natural hazards faced by California
A good summary of the issues facing California
More from USGS on California
Go here for excellent maps for ALL countries and the hazards which affect them


Use the links below to help answer the questions on the sheet:

Latest earthquake map

Europe earthquake map

Earthquakes with 50 000 or more deaths

Largest earthquakes by magnitude

UK earthquakes


Measuring earthquakes

Thursday, 19 September 2013

Energy pathways

Gas pathways into the EU are vital for energy security. Problems in Russia and the former Soviet states threaten this supply.

Nabucco pipeline

South Stream pipeline

Nord Stream pipeline

Russia - Ukraine gas disputes

Russia Today report - Nabucco

Videographic from The Economist

Russia-Ukraine gas dispute report 1 and 2

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Kerela population policies

Clip showing the strategies used to reduce population growth in Kerala, India. Another good clip.

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Geophysical hazards - hazard distribution

A few links to help with this piece of work.
Start with your text book and then try these links for more information:

On the BBC site:
An animated guide to earthquakes
An animated guide to volcanoes

On the USGS site:

From Wikipedia:


Use this BBC In Depth article to complete the worksheet on hurricances. This animated guide is also good.
A National Geographic video overview. An excellent Horizon documentary.

Population pyramids

Use this link from the US Census Bureau to complete the exercise on population pyramids.

Saturday, 14 September 2013

Pakistan floods 2010

Use the following links to help complete the worksheet on the Pakistan floods 2010

Monday, 9 September 2013

UK energy security

Use the following links to help with your report:

BBC Panorama programme

Government energy security research paper (just read the Summary)

Guardian article - there are many more similar

Latest update of the ESI from June 2011

Statutory Security of Supply Report - DECC

IPPR report - Energy Security in the UK

UK energy security strategy paper Nov 2012