Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Unit 4 holiday work - case study research

Use the emailed template to create four case studies of recent tectonic events. The links below will provide a starting point.

Port au Prince, Haiti 2010

L’Aquila, Italy 2009
Soufriere Hills, Montserrat 1997 - 2010

Mt.Pinatubo, Philippines 1991

Thursday, 18 March 2010

Caving in limestone caves

We have been looking at limestone in the II Form. Caving is a sport which is made possible by the weathering and erosion of the caves and tunnels deep underground. The following clips show two sides to the sport - fun and, unfortunaely, tragedy.

Ultimate caving - Kate Humble

Monday, 8 March 2010

Africa to Europe migration

Thousands of Africans try to make the journey to Europe each year. The BBC News website gives information about the routes they travel, the cause of this movement and some of its impacts as well as personal stories.