Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Carbon Footprint

Calculate your carbon footprint using the ‘Act on CO2’ web site
Draw a divided bar chart to show your footprint
Draw a divided bar chart for the national average footprint
Create a ‘plan’ to begin to reduce your carbon footprint
Sort the actions by ‘Easiest to do’. Complete the table to show three actions you could take in each of the categories – Home, Appliances and Travel

Christchurch earthquake

Video explaining how seisometers work to locate an earthquake
Video about predicting earthquakes and aftershocks

GNS monitoring of earthquakes
Describe and explain the research and consultancy offered by GNS
GNS monitoring of earthquakes II
GNS monitoring of earthquakes III
Describe in detail the work being done to monitor the deformation of NZ. Include an explanation of ‘continuous GPS’
Rapid response seismic team
Describe how the rapid response seismic team responded to the Christchurch earthquake
Earthquake insurance cover
Who are EQC?
Describe how their insurance policy works
Briefly describe the safety information offered by the NZ government in an earthquake