Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Pre-release June 2013 - Economic development in East Asia

Watch the TED lecture by Hans Rosling
Use Gapminder to research how the development indicators of the countries in questions have evolved since 1940

Monday, 6 May 2013

Unit 3 pre-release June 2013 - Geopolitical tensions in East Asia

There is a huge amount of material online on this isssue. Here are a selection of links to help with the first worksheet:

BBC country profiles:
North Korea
South Korea

Use these links to create the timelines as well.

North Korea recent history - Guardian
An excellent Guardian graphic on events in China over the last decade

There is also a lot of excellent information on the recent Korea crisis. A selecion of links are below. There should be no need to spend hours searching for additional information.

Korea crisis
China / North Korea relationship
North Korea / US relationship
Impact of recent history on current crisis

Disputed territories
Kuril Islands
Sea of Japan
Liancourt rocks
N / S Korea border
Socotra rock
Senkaku Islands

Senkaku dispute - Guardian
Senkaku dispute II - Guardian